The Light Of Pete, Ctentri, Phearson and Branch Vincent

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

   -Though Jan 3 2019, it was being summoned to a red room, while ash build on bridges and cars. There's something Jan 3 2020, about meetings, see revisited meetings Jer 37:8/Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-28. I was reminded when I read, Dow tanking and US bankers were meeting in secret, beware COVID-19, Travel Bans, Apb

Article, [Trump: We Must Pay for Pandemic Prep by Cutting Aid to Poor], (cursed with an American heart and Daniel 4, madness Pres Trump possibly blame the poor and migrants for the COVID-19, outbreak!) Beware! 

Dow, Logs, Biggest Point Drop In History As Stocks, Tumble!, (I remember, having a moment of denial and doubting God, father Abraham being told he and Sarah would conceive a son, Issac, and they chuckled in laughter.  As so, father, Moses, who had a speech imperilment, yes I even been there, forgetting God is Almighty,  and got corrected, by his thunderous voice. Yeah, I was running down the hall, trying to burst into the bath with husband Mack, before HE finish shouting, I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA! 
     -See I took the same mockery and doubt, visiting often Heavenly Host this time saying, THEY would destroy America, apparently targeting her foundation, blood money, now to reap, it's weight of blood guilt, judgment, sentence. Beginning by a cataclysmic event, a lost of 190 years and too many lives to mention ever, let's just say 5% into 15%, UK/US/BC soil, alone! As predicted, a backward letter C, pale horse pandemic instead followed, but so did Islamic, Israeli and Antichrist rule, and suddenly all West Rule went off planet, until April 2/17,2019 thru April 2/17, 2026, would be fulfilled, beware, Apb

Pete Buttigieg ends his historic presidential campaign

-The Enron Attack Killed Millions, Drop Your Pensions, and Get To The Hills! Plus Great Beast Devoured Your Peace Getting Skies, Politicians, Pulpits and Porches! Beware! RUN! (Trump's Stock Market near 5 Trillion loss, since, it's last black Monday, and here we are approaching ,another, matrix ten days count of March 3, 2019, where right after Russia's Putin threaten US soil, we witnessed two ELE launched, incoming like a race side by side to impact US soil, of course, since Dec 29, 2019, we witnessed another running race by holy watchers to spirit to put the Nov/Dec 24/25,20011-2019, volcanic apocalypse,back on trek
-Actually the 2017, us soil eclipse, trajectory, is a perfect assessment, can't say he didn't know, amtv Christopher says, actually the markets been he volatile since, 2008/09, crash. But you have to remember, that was when the doomsday passover, time table, of two weeks and 7 years,was given and it's then, this for many millennium grace period finale's, it's Obama/Trump 2016. So all UN/US world rule, it's like pushing the pause button stalling the cocktail of ELE events, Sept 11, 2001, of pounding their bloody with the martyred, soil, back to resume ,and they're all come, suddenly, wiping all West Rule from the planet and the holy Bride and holy Angels are found here no more! Beware, God, Is Apb!

The Enron Attack Killed Millions, Drop Your Pensions, and Get To The Hills! Plus Great Beast Devoured Your Peace Getting Skies, Politicians, Pulpits and Porches! Beware! RUN!

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Timaeus Critis Mclanera and Queen Bride Kenesia Mirella Blanko 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The 
Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign 
Unto King Bridegroom and Queen Bride Was Born A Descending New, White, Holy House, With Royal Priesthood Intact
     Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII 
   "Lord Cherubim, so beloved, I will be with my Lord Urusalem alone, as you will King of all kings. I fear you've heard, well more then likely, you've fused and felt, Yellowstone exodus began.  I'm better Lord Israel than expected, good, those predicted have escaped, Michael and His Holies fight to show them the way. Yes my spirited grands always reminded as Lord Elder John heard and saw them come up to here, I heard and saw them come into their own Georgia's to Africa's Atlantic' coast. Though Holy Lord, who besides them could've guess they'd be all the world's refugees, the same? And still those millions in losses only because of rebellion, of thieving, lying, murderers, do I hate them King Zion who hate  and war against thee; do I count them also mine enemy? For thy own name sake this unwordable, untellable escape, fret not thyself Lord Urusalem because of evildoers, for they've been cut down as green grass. They wither as the green herbs, diligently you should seek their places and not find them and just as soon like their betraying Helel, Hades molten ovens will gladly have at them! Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? Presently, it's predicted, Northern Israel, Megiddo, the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying. Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Then Lord beloved, city of peace, for countless millennia, world leads are forewarn, all its damning folly. Come, come always, I'm thy comfort, I don't want to be comforted, billions are dying. Yes, and you've placed the Jesus Husband in their sickbeds, crafted Michael's Throne, second heaven their, its intercession. Knocked, knocked and knocked to offer up mansions in heaven, you are Lord Urusalem, indeed. No doubt you think Lord Urusalem, I'm more worthy, I know stop reading your heart's mind, but do you really think beloved Lord, my also being human as they are, the night of Gethsemane to the wilderness trials are the only times I pleaded fathers cup be gone from me? Our everlasting holiness Lord Urusalem, getting us all the glory is what make us worthy to sit in Elohim White Throne judgments. I look out into this beyond and I'm again Lord, floored, I think I see, no, I know I see a flock of red birds, and what a sweet miracle. Just a day ago, earthen home, I was to Google, though two played tag the tree's my backyard why there's only one red bird seen at a time? Then Lord beloved, I look up days later from writing, commenting, you could hear their loud cawing. But there, the tree limbs, nearly as close as you Lord Israel right now, black birds and they're frozen, intensely looking at me, calculating. Any doubt Lord Urusalem waiting to relaunched themselves, go feast upon the flesh of kings, queens and warring billions, have your fill to busting. A beyond description mansion in heaven, wondrous floral, chirping birds, look, come close this moist cheek, there's a crystal, healing stream, still, just there, see it, a tree of life. The Maaseiah, the tree of life, its leaves for healing tattered nations once this phenom is all there; be still thy bleeding, melting heart, even speaking heart. Listen closely, such delicious, replenishing hymns of praise, eeh, so amazing grace. Did I tell you King Zion, I was told, as a child, growing up, into you Ancient of days inherit the praises of his people? Did I tell you, I've seen Holy Father dance, dance I say dance, bitter is grim reapers for stampeding did spin captures into a hearty waltz, themselves, and one strike the telling, if only to descend them. Did I tell you Lord Urusalem, Lord Israel can't endure this out breaking of mortuary, one strike the telling heart, as you say, and most are descended, without you? I know beloved hearted one you're to stay this wonderment and like its stunning pillars never let go ever, ever! Of course, that untellable escape will come only not yet, only beloved Urusalem, not yet; here Lord Israel, take my as yours, my firing hands, come, come, surely and for always, I too, will run after thee! It spoke, your hand Lord Urusalem also spoke to me, and what dearest one of all did it dare say? Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall be called the Sons of God! Indeed, spoil this rod of peace, extinct the genesis man, marriage, make Lamb of God', Christ's Cross of non-effect." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed cold, as, are their elephants of staying unaware and their Brides. of going on as all is normal, so are they, beware, Apb, The RAM,, (Nicholas and Tiffany flyover, Noah's cousin, human extinction, come ) Why speak in parables? For Those Today As Those Rebellious Prophet Ezekiel Day, Say The Lord Seeth Us Not, The Lord Is Ascended From The Earth! Beware God Is! Apb

Pete Buttigieg ends his historic presidential campaign
The Light Of Ctentri,

-Apostle THEY say I am, with a heart of God, admit, I felt sorrow hearing he'd suspended his campaign, as I write, I feel the tingling of emotions and my eyes blur from nearing tears. I'm not sorry he and his come to their senses and got out, plus, the last, to final thing doomsday America need right now is another President. You know by now, unless they're Noah to Moses to a redeemed as 'The One,' Obama, who's father is a native, to the African Continent we're all unknowingly stampeding too. I've seen it, decades now, literally wrote the parable, for 2009, 2012, it's compilation, Africa, Arks, all; beware, Rev 7, Apostle John, witnessed a world of stampeding refugees also, but by that time you were washed and made white by Jesus' blood, and inheriting God's to His Anointed Christ, Throne. the Spirit and Bride, saying, come up here!
-Hum, Kobe's tragic morning, Jan 22. 2020, the naming to ordaining of the ten end times kings, and the Holy Bride, Holy Angels and West Rule is no more, this planet, Dan 7/I Thess 4/2 Thess 2/Rev 17/. I'm just now reminded of an event I was just involved in, Feb 13, 2020, speaking in both languages, the soon to come, even by Pres Trump/Pompeo, middle eastern deals, fulfilling, Daniel 9:27, final seven years. Seems, I sat it's kingdom, nation summit, whereas the Medes and Persians join forces, here so does, Islam and Israel, and saying for years now, there's something about a Hamath! I know, around 42 months in, Rev 11:1, 2, great beast Antichrist, an Alexander the great/Hitlers's Germany, an Anubis, army, type, to rule 42 months itself. First formed it, now overthrew, it, three of it's Kings lost, Israel. like all religion, stalked for extinction, but for now, all end time days going on like this is definitely, the final week of years, this planet, then, Jesus' Millennium reign!
  -No, when it comes, to Mr Buttigieg, I'm sorry he and his are deceived to such extremes, I know, you go to Jesus and ask how do I fixed legalized abominations once destroying this entire world down to one ark family? Then, now reigning Jesus, even since July 27, 2016, interceding from second heaven, King Zion, like he described to religious leader Nicodemus, "ye must be born again. Remember from whence thou art fallen, return to this first love and repent. There is not a born again here or ascended who wasn't redeemed by first dying from the sins of first birth, the heart, flesh on his knees.
-Again, his closet, its voting booths, pounded into repentant altars! If you sincerely want to die, Holy Spirits, by Holy Jesus's Blood will do it and mold you Jesus Christ to God's holy Temple, see more here, Eze 8, and here., see with me, a hand wrote in scripture, Romans 6, in red, here it's meaning, without the help of transforming Holy Spirit, no man, not even Jesus of Gethsemane, can die to live, born again, When I, or any born again come from faithful knees we're not the same, a restored by the cross of the Genesis woman seed, a new Genesis man, marriage.  Oh sinful person, desires no more, my new light of life, my new like Jesus heart, paneth God's kingdom, my spirit mind, want to know it, so like Jesus I could love, to suffer, to share it's blessedness with the sinful damning world.
   -No, all didn't go as well, they worshiped the sinful creature, not its Holy Creator to Savior, Jesus is Christ. But just as determined, right into 30 years later, Feb 12/13, 2019, I'm standing on the other side of this one opened, actually like right now, COVID-19 fears, its busiest than ever, Rite Aid counter. Just this eerie knowing this wasn't the first time, I'd been at this ritual, so there's no telling how many prior. Also knowing I'm not alone, perhaps, the little Miya girl watcher of transit, I'm walking upon a soon realized closed counter, clerk , like God's Throne, back turn, all.
-Yet, still seeing this other counter is getting slammed, I moved off realizing, only to hear back turn her say, I'll wait on you, so what about them over there, right? I hand her a 5 for my purchase ,she hand me 15 back, but since I'm hurrying, and though I concern myself with her draw coming up short I get out not. Truly not realizing, even why there's a normally, backseat riding little Miya girl on foot behind me this time? Marvel not, there's a hi-jacking Islamic rule in the form of a soon revealed on social media, Syed Farook waiting in the parking lot, this reckless driver and next little Miya and I know, were stranded aside, no driver to speak of, thousands of miles to years from all gone prior, and just a head for two quarter it's crossover toll, Jesus millennium descends into battered and bruise, us .
-This I know, also, I heard during Clinton/Bush's wars into Obama/Trump, 50 million would die US soil, since 2010, for a lost of 15% US/BC soil. I witnessed a new White, Holy House descend, Royal Priesthood intact. Only right into these welcoming royals, the Obama's, and exactly six years later. That's as of Obama's the Daniel 12 grace period done, into Trumps, 2016, Dan 7/Rev 17, Ancient Beast Rule come, I saw though America's lost was 15%, UK's lost, is 5%. Here, then making sense, America's 15% descended from Britain's 5% and the Feb 12/13, (2019), Rite Aid counter reveal assuring me for another time, said death tolls are prophetically set, see Rev 6, 6th seal/Rev 17, see also here,, a prophetic parable saying the same
-As not to fear death more than disobedience, any hearers and doers of the American exodus, make mobile yourselves, your stores and come away, southeast. Apostle, THEY call me, though entreat me as the reigning Bride Herself, I could say as Rev 2 Jesus, even a crown of righteousness wait for your faithful obedience, and commanded reapers ascend, the faithful heart, either way.  For a too many times to count, beware, reconsider Kobe's fiery crash, the way most stagnant Americans are predicted to die! Commanded grim reapers, bearing man ending methods, target all, all, all, else, and a little Miya girl watcher of present-day apocalypse, prowls to suspect your mindful to lukewarm, transit,
beware, God Is, Apb

Prophetic Parables, Fulfilling, The Light of Pete Butteige, Blessed Escape, The Briexit, (Nicholas and Tiffany flyover, Noah's cousin, human extinction, come ) Empty Ports, You Tube, IAF, (Dec 3, 2017,at Abbas mentioned eight heads, his and Nethanyu making Dan 7/Rev 17, ten heads; your elephant of staying unaware were shown stampeding, a lost of a handle of artistic, Memphis Carter/Pres Carter Islam, causing a shaky, shaky shelter, planet earth, heaven, since! Beware, Apb Streets Of Milan Are Eerily Empty,, (Feb 23, 2020, yours as Noah's day unaware Bride's of going on as normalcy bias, were shown with Satan's bruised to broken heels/hills, given running shoes, come run away Brides, themselves! Beware, Apb ABC News, YouTube, Should Americans Prepare For Lock downs Like China, Italy,, (beware an ex CDC member suggested we stop visiting our elderly, years back I heard, "Nazi Moms, watch as grands were shown to buried their grand children alive, is this lending into Nazi children to relatives, fear has stupidity, as well as torture! See NBA, California Dreamer Wade, Union and their trans gen kid, in Holy God's eyes, imagine if your son decide he want to be pedophiler, what do you do, support him, or get him to teachings, anointing, transforming the heart, Jesus' Gospel? I can still hear my once confused 6 year god son, asking God to him a Jesus' heart, I told him just as I'd seen God do for laborers unto the harvest, during a visit in heaven, see more here, Eze 8, see, ); Beware, Rev 17/18, God Is! Aware That Is, Repent or Perish! -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Peyton Felipe Fallsworth and Queen Bride, Chels Kendra Jamir Locks The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Starring: God Son, Ghost Horse, Little Horn Deburk and God Daughter Amirah, Amorah Goatson Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII "What, Eve, you just stopped everything, even breathing? Well beloved husband, catching my breath, beat again my heart, will you read right here, a paragraph out of the parable she just shared, the Light of Pete Butteige's exit, ( and I'll grab more tissues; "America's, West Rule, is one of two things, your choice, Briexit or a Blaexit, Noah's, Pompeii's and at last, a questionable Atlantis type world, wide removal, are all here for king of kings Babylon, America. First, a lost of 190 years and 40 days and tens of millions in lives. There, there Sioux Noel darling, didn't she just now March 6, (2020), get 40 more days as a word, don't she get reveals in reverse; isn't she waiting in the 190 years deficit. prophecy right now? Then witnessed Dec 29, (2019), Rev Holies in a running, race to put the event that will suddenly end 190 years, Eze 4 prophecy, followed by a pale horse pandemic? Stop looking at me like that, teary eyes all, after I got that invasion of peace dream, (; I got way more serious about her reveals. So when I read that paragraph, those 40 days, we've been in those 40 days Sioux a few days now. I'm sorry, I was, ah thrown, I'll keep reading! Please do beloved man; "All earth enders your military leaders are calling a pending EMP attack; your astronomers are calling too many rogue asteroids to meteors targeting planet earth. Still your seismologist to volcanologist are calling nearing monster quakes to yellow stone super eruptions. See Rev, 6, 6th seal, see that's all what's wrong with Trump, with y'all's help, building you a wall, (now upon which, 01/13/1998/2019, a hand is writing, 99 bowls of molten lava, after I see a single bitten apple, reminder, sins remain, and for 6 thousand prophesied years, now); so knowing all this and chance the burning to death of tens of millions, why, depopulation earth or Dan 4:4, awarded Oct 15, (2018), madness? Just until 7 Daniel 9, prophetic years be fulfilled?" Sioux, Sioux, again, there, the two weeks and 7, Dan 9:27 years, she was just given April 2, (2019) thru its April 2, (2026). Showing it's evidence, two weeks later April 16/17, (2019), Pres Trump awarded Islam, Israel and United Nations the proposed non-aggression pact, right, right? Putting us a year and two weeks Daniel final week prophecy, once March 6, 2020, 40 days finale and what did she see, hear, Kobe's Bryant fiery crash morning, the last end time Ancient Beast, Anti Christ reign, ten heads, ten crowns to ten horns, being named to ordain! My god, tears running along my face, neck all, finally my stunning Eve Lynn elects to see, reveal, and how stunning! I gotta run, the children center love their pediatric surgeon, keeping them from same gender slaughterers, even murderers. Please, please, your warm, chewy lips, warm breath on mine, meet me for lunch, if sweetest of all hearts I know, even Jesus tarry, I will, should I order a picnic, a gazebo? Yes, ah, that'll be even more fantastic, ah, Ghost Horse called, said he and Jr Darius are really living it up in parental Juttah, Euphrates, I explained he be safe, get home soon, bye babe, love you so much, love you Eve, so much!" {{{ "Apache, hey, wake, no I said wake, look, Eve Lynn just made an aware, wait, wait, wait, did you say Eve Lynn? Yes Sia Deburk, Apache, Eve Lynn, as of Sia Maaseiah's Feb 1, (2019) post just come to past in reverse by her new March 6, 2020, 40 more days reveal. Frightfully Including Apache the 190 years lost that actually stood the globe still and suddenly claimed tens of millions US soil alone. I'm still struck on Eve Lynn revealed something, just kidding, I was too, I sat Apache, listening to her, with tears pouring over into my mouth gasping awe, both sweet and bitter. You know Apache, that added reveal lend more speculation, how Sioux can April 2 to 17, (2020), not be Gabriel 534 BC into 2004, AD, forewarn, the Bride's escape by a 7th Angel. Just as in, I Thess, 4, taking her by the Trump of God, and Sia Maaseiah at one reveal seeing a trumpet passed off to Angel Gabriel. Okay, okay Sioux, leaving it all at that too miraculous to fathom, including Eve Lynn reveal, see you at the Globe, yeah bro, see you, you not going back to sleep are you? Hello, hello!"}}} "Did I Apache hear you say Eve Lynn made a reveal? Shhhhh, my beloved Sura Daniel, I know, a shocker, stunner, still so earth, heaven, world quaking, important, but we'll talk at breakage, sleep babe, sleep!" Why speak in parables? Beware, Genesis thru Revelation God Is! Aware That Is, Apb, The RAM! PS, Hashtag, Excreta, see Rev 6, 6th seal, no where to run prophecy, mountains are even melting; Jan 23. 2018, a 6th, Rev 2 Jesus matrix ten day count, thus,666; Rev 10, Mighty Angel, forewarn as predicted a death rider from beneath, (1996), presently a volcanic apocalypse, come US soil, Nov/Dec 24/25/(2019), no further delays, presently, Dec 29, (2019), a running race, by forewarning, Rev Holies, to put said, doomsday Christmas Carol back on track for any d-day now, like April 2/17 1986-2016/2020, why apostle I am cry to all preppers, there's no COVID-19, travel ban of sheltering in place, mobilize all your stores, come, you know where, beware, Apb Prophecy Links, Fulfilling, US Aviation alone, saying, the COVID-19, fears to travel bans will cause them 46 billion a month, could that massive loss, as well be counted, as Thankxs, Xmas, 2019, set autopilot, fails, crashes? The Award Of Daniel madness Dan 4, begin at verse, 4, until April 2, 2019-April 2, 2026, be fulfilled, and seven times shall pass over you, till thou know that the most High, ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, again, and give it to whom He will, beware, God Is! Apb, Prophecy Links, Fulfilling, US Aviation alone, saying, the COVID-19, fears to travel bans will cause them 46 billion a month, could that massive loss, as well be counted, as Thankxs, Xmas, 2019, set autopilot, fails, crashes?

     The Award Of Daniel madness Dan 4, begin at verse, 4, until April 2, 2019-April 2, 2026, be fulfilled, and seven times shall pass over you, till thou know that the most High,  ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, again, and giveth to whom He will, beware, God Is! Apb,

You Tube , Christopher Green, FEMA PREPARING FOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY!!! FOOD STOCKPILING!!, I (forewarn a newly made friend, going into California, don't go there, nothing there but wind, water and fire/molten treasures,  the last fires she watched her brother's house burn down completely. Though like I said about NBA's California dreaming, Kobe's crash, that's is how tens of million here suppose to die, explaining, March 13/Oct 15, 2018 inviting all of you from a barbecuing instead into Georgia, with an African Native Male, deliverer, getting you all further into Africa's Atlantic, southern coast,  no longer pending, even your Brides to ladies in waiting, of staying unaware,  are appointed  runaway shoes, runaway themselves, beware, Apb    

-Let My People Go!, Thus Saith Sunlight, God's Back Turn Throne, From Behind A Readied By Reigning Bride, Mountain, Also Reigning, There! I know right, like God to John Revelations all over again, some even say the 7 thunders unveiled, Rev Mighty Angel come forewarning, and all, Apb  
  -Christopher Green, I feel  I have to tell you, what Jesus told Saul of Taurus, who just didn't get it, it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks, that's to cause you, and tens of millions rebellious not just their lives, but their immortal souls. Men eaters and world enders Ancient Beast, like Rev 17/18, Mystery Babylon, disguised as the US Presidency, it's globalizing, West Rule this planet. Sentenced, by it's weight of blood guilt, since Nov/Dec 24, 25,. 2001, to be by it's transgressions, wiped off the planet. Only Rev 2 Jesus who is long suffering as Holy father, still threaten so come, instead, awarded to installed a Rev 2, it's matrix ten day, so every 03/13/23 of each month,. This is  since Nov, 24/25. 2017, every time, bring them into the clutches of fiery extinction, being aligned to men eaters Gog  and Magog, a nuclear fate and 50 millions US deaths.
     -See, now since the Lamb's book of life, census is done, separating the righteous from the unrighteous, grace period declared done, Rev 10, Mighty Angel declared, Jan 23-29,( 2018), and no more doomsday passovers to be had. Though for the elect sake US's soil, one, blessed exodus into Georgia's to Africa's Atlantic, the end time ten heads ordain, and again, tens of millions UK/US/BC death tolls set, Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's and, and, and Trump's, 5% into 15%,. Just saying and saying, God's thrusting in wine press, can then slay millions of Kobe's and daughters and add said reaping of martyred blood to a it's total 175 miles, measured, weight of blood guilt. Many foreign leaders are dying to dead yes, but it's nothing in comparison to the millions commanded to stop the charade of kingdom, nation building, repent, cease-fire, obey commanded exodus, Jordan's Petra to Africa's Atlantic, which I admit, was to be African American, Obama's world stretching, efforting, White House.   
     -Holy God just used a cataclysmic whisper to shut, to freeze, the global world, while everyone's looking for US to N. Korea, mushroom clouds. In the mean time, all the Americas where by genesis into revelation book holies stampeded into Africa's Atlantic, and awarded a Rev 12,  Michael, battling a star wars overhead for this reason,  blessed are hearers and doers, Eze 9 commanded reapers, bearing sword like syringes, target all other alternate, transit, one strike heart you're descended. Herein thus said back turn Throne, God, Oct 25. 2018, to all kingdom, nation building and Rite Aid Pharmacies, and seven times shall pass over you, till thou know, that the most high God, ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth to whoever he will, beware, then is come Jesus' millennium reign, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,, the light of Ctentri, how it's all ending, prophetically, Apb

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Ghost Horse, Little Horn Deburk and Queen Bride Amirah, Amorah Goatson

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Emmeline Joseph Lopside and Maleah Bridget Clare was born a son, Emmanuel Nicholas Lopside, a son, Hiers Madelyn Lopside, and a daughter, Charlize (Charlie), Amirah Lopside and a son, Legolis Hairston Lopside, Clare

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

     "Wow, you two are so fused, you look like Siamese twins, you know us sisters love, loving on each other, while can a loving husband squeeze in there? You can have her, I'm going to help my husband cook, what dear husband Mitchel, are you designing? Stuffed crates, I'm just uncertain about whether to do something red or white in a sauce, you know once I have my culinary classes, I'm going to cook all over you, well babe until then, would you hand me the cream? Ah geese woman, you and these finding this mystery America, documentaries! Well a lot of archaeologist do think Sanford beloved, between the W Pacific and the Mid Atlantic, ring of fire, they say is yet expanding, there was not only a country, America, but an entire American continent. But in that, in all that ocean of lava? That's just Bron too hard to believe, well that sea to sea crater of molten lava is why they can't excavate it all, like they want.  Believe it or not lover boy, it is believed there laid the greatest nation this world, to follow the Roman Empire, but after 101, ah, ah, Mariah! Yellowstone's, it was call something like that, we only just studied it days past, yes, after 101 this Yellowstone killed tens of millions, and all the other stampeded, they even say, Sanny, it's why the African Juttah even exist.  Here, here, listen here, he's their top scientist, Dr Bloomberg, Volcanologist Sanny, to extinction studies. Then they're designing way's right now to do it's research, like within those lava beds, crazy I know, but just listen!"     >>>"Hey, hey, hey, sleepy head, though it pains me, you asked me to wake you, what's wrong? You're shivering, no way Phearce, no way will you ever believe what I just saw, heard, ah my god, heard! Come, come, here, tissues, ah, ah, you know I love to watch docs on finding Atlantis.  Right now they think was in North Africa, this eye of the Sahara, and before this Pangaea stuff, parted earth's crust, was once part of South America? Imagine Phearce instead coming in on a conversation of young marriage worshipers, of whom one is just fascinated as I am Phearce, only on finding long, lost America. Their present, generations past, many say to exist, but there's yet to be proof, now how much would that freak you right out! Okay, okay, I hear how mind and heart blowing that is, but, but Phearce, there's no proof, and the ring of fire, ocean to ocean of magma, from the W Pacific into the Mid Atlantic that is yet expanding, prevents them from excavating the conspired areas. Then as you was waking me the two sisters are apparently studying in their classes, these historic, mysteries, of whether America or North America's continent ever existed.  Loving girl, hey, come, here, no, Rig, please, no, no, no, you know what? I just wanna go, I don't want no more of this, I don't want to see it, no, Phearce, no dreaming it, I'll never sleep or dream, never again, I mean that! But loving girl, go where? Just as God, the Heavenly Host can't escape this breakout of mortuary, we been hearing for a decade now Rig, even our ascension is from up there, second heaven. Still this witnessing and interceding the Tribulation Saints until Daniel week finale, and they then join us, in third Heaven, Lamb's, Marriage Supper.  I got to go, I got to shower, so you gonna mention this in class? No, no, no, I'm not, I don't Phearce ever want to believe I just dreamed that, it's, it's, hey, hey, hey, okay! I mean you're free Phearce to do with it what you want, you do know Sia Maaseiah saw that, when the sword like syringes, bearing grim reapers were finished thrusting in reaping sickle US soil. Just so, it's American Continent, nothing was left Rig but a magnetic manner of memorabilia one in a distant land is to hang on the frig! No, no, no, don't tell me, don't don't, ah, I saw that! Excuse, one of the young wives, Mariah, was helping her husband in the kitchen, just as she reached to opened the fridge for cream, Phearce, I saw on the door, a magnetic keepsake, ah, it had a huge red cut out heart, a picture o mount Rushmore it's middle, it was multi color and it said, I love the USA! Ah my god, ah my god, sh, sh, sh, I got you, sh, sh, sh, I got you. Then beloved girl should I tell you, the coast to coast impact crater, boiling and bubbling over with molten lava; Please tell me you knew that's Sia Maaseiah's Juttah Septennial, to the Deburk's Globe, even the Juttah Tribunal Hillsfeets, all their assumption, regarding her predicted and revisited 99 bowls of molten lava? Actually Rig seen as recent as Jan 13 (2019), as a handwriting on Trump's wall, 99 bowls of molten lava, and Rig as a hand writing clumsily, it's Aug 7th, (2019), 'Escape Yellowstone! Then something it's Aug 5, (2019), as the now COVID-19, shutting down the whole planet, only including all screening, HD, 5G, and Social, media, with the last thing it's screen, the single word disappeared? As in no more this planet, the holy Bride,  the holy angels nor unholy, West Rule America. Rig, Regan Central, I'm in the shower, look, how far into Jesus millennium would our grands to great grand be, to be having these kinds of finding Atlantic America, documentaries? I know cursed with Dan 4 madness and Noah's day normalcy bias, they can't see it, but predicted volcanic apocalypse is happening right now, as in right now! Even so come Lord Jesus Phearson, how many hundreds of years would it be into Jesus's millennium, is there now a Mystery, Atlantic, America, you think I'm pregnant? I don't, you babe, tell me, you know Phearce I don't have these kinds of futuristic dreams unless I'm, you know.  I don't, I could meet you at the birthing center later, after your conference all, Rig, loving husband to Rig, yeah, I mean if you're still going, right, right!  Rig, all this is insane, I just want my husband to hold me, take me into our marriage bed, keep us there so amazingly until we hear Jesus, shout, The Voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God, at least then Phearce we'd know we have exactly, the duration of Daniel's final week left and nothing more, and Phearce, nothing more! Ump, you smell so good, taste, so, good, I better go, I better go, grab me a face and drying towel, actually my robe would be best, and juice, we have juice, right?" Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM, see Regan Central and Phearson Mycal, Heart Ravishing,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thus Saith Dan 9-12, 534 BC , 2004, AD, May 15, 2004, All Things Unto Fulfillment, she's going, coming with the 7th angel, Apb,

-Hearing Jan 13, 2019, Whore And Beast Separated, What Withholdeth Ancient Beast Reign
a Stun Apostle John being told not to marvel, see's this, that's of the naming and ordaining of the ten kings I saw, Kobe's crash revisiting for two years the Jan 23-29, Rev 10, Mighty Angel! John hear this, and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire, those ten names I heard, one f which that went something like this,
Seeing Bush 2003, a line up of torture vehicles, a US General warn US troops was a dirty Mede, to such this militant force being warded diamond wedding, rings for their relentless effort against the West Rule!
-And The Ten King Which Thou Saw, these shall make ear With the Lamb! And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.' I could swear, after seeing Rev 12 Michael, battling along a star wars up there, setting his all around, again, red Dragon and Legion all poured again into the earth, Jan 20, 2019, in the form of  dangerous, deadly sky phenom, as hundreds of thousands in sky to earth, lightning strikes to missiles, the third revisit of Trump's inauguration said to equally, cause tens of millions dead this nation, beware!

And When The Last Trump Sound, We, God's Anointed, Are Gone skyward! See shopping malls,  come fall out shelters,, how it's ending prophetically, Apb

-Hum, Kobe's tragic morning, Jan 22. 2020, the naming to ordaining of the ten end times kings, and the Holy Bride, Holy Angels and West Rule is no more, this planet, Dan 7/I Thess 4/2 Thess 2/Rev 17/. I'm just now reminded of an event I was just involved in, Feb 13, 2020, speaking in both languages, the soon to come, even by Pres Trump/Pompeo, middle eastern deals, fulfilling, Daniel 9:27, final seven years. Seems, I sat it's kingdom, nation summit, whereas the Medes and Persians join forces, here so does, Islam and Israel.
-Plus, I been saying for years now, there's something about a Hamath! I know, around 42 months in, Rev 11:1, 2, great beast Antichrist, an Alexander the great/Hitlers's Germany, an Anubis, army, type, to rule 42 months itself. First formed it, now overthrew, it, three of it's Kings lost, Israel. like all religion, stalked for extinction, but for now, all end time days going on like this is definitely, the final week of years, this planet, then, Jesus' Millennium reign!


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