A Lament Over Israel's Princes. 19 “Take up a lament concerning the princes of Israel

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

-We're under an announced Feb 13, (2020), 5 more disasters right now, some bout 7 target's. I got in trouble for it I admit, got fussed at like Moses Mt Sinai Reveal, Saying Let My People Go, revisited, Come my June 2002! But Visiting God Father Did Say, And I Quote, I'm Going To Destroy America!" Apb

Article, [Covid-19 moves Trump's approval ratings at an all-time high] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/pvTdce

    -Enjoy, when like an embittered and embattled Moses Egypt's Pharaoh, US President, to NBA'S California Dreaming to all such African American celebrities, Just say when they like Rev 17/18, Holy GOD, as so Rev Book Holies call for to lead the America's Exodus. Even their blessed Blaexit into Georgia's/ Africa's Atlantic, this popularity will be none existent, RUN, while blessed escape is easy!

     -I know, when US soldiers were hunting down Saddam Hussein and I was instead putting him in the White House. Soon Barack Hussein, and making him the most powerful man on this planet. Soon fulfilling Daniel 12, Jesus Cross, grace period no more;  into Rev 13, Ancient Beast reign, now come, no one believed that either, beware, Apb,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Stop! A Commenter Said To Me! Holy God, Laying the members in the church as it hath pleased HIM, Eventually Sealing My Visiting Holy Spirit, Ordination, And I Gave Some Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers, Until A Perfect Man, ....Jesus Christ, Reign! -I Said, From Behind a Mountain, God's Back turn Throne, Son/Sunlight Of God sent me, I'm sorry, who're you? Stop seeing, hearing, knowing, like your stone useless gods, and rebellious creatures? Take blinders off, unplug your ears, ignore your distractive elephants/Noah's day Brides for a time. Mark this reveal, Apb, STOP reading behind Apostle Patrica Bradford, THEY call me, you already know! Apb ISAIAH 26:20 CANNOT BE APPLIED TO THE CURRENT CORONAVIRUS CRISIS, IT IS GOD’S PROMISE TO KEEP THE JEWISH REMNANT SAFE AND SECURE AT SELAH PETRA, (yes, only Zechariah 14 into the third woe, Rev 12, remind us how battered, bruised, martyred and RUNNING, she'll be by then, finally praying Holy Jesus again sat his feet again atop my Olivet, or humankind genocide! Therefore, how deadly to damning, any form of going on as slow motion commanded American exodus, or like stampeded elephants of staying unaware, or as their Noah's Brides of going on as normalcy bias, instead just a month ago,, Feb 23, (2020), given running shoes for broken red hills, told to run away! Apb Hearing, (2018), Isaiah, 13, and Jan 3, (2019), given Ezekiel 19, alone saying, A Lament Over Israel's Princes. 19 “Take up a lament concerning the princes of Israel." Remember, I witnessed Israel, as a terrorist attack, train-wreck, suddenly like Britain, America, slew to itty, bitty pieces, who just moments prior, even in exodus, were street to street vendors, still Antichrist doomed, Jerusalem/American, dreaming! Ezekiel 9, Holy God, Command, 2007, stones be cast into dying middle schools, 2017, to kill all parents by, to finish all schools, not once did I hear, apostate Israel or Jerusalem to Rev 17/18, Western Civilization was exempt! Beware As God, Himself, Apb 300,072. A VOICE DECLARING, INQUIRING: “WHO OWN THE CHURCH?” A VOICE REPLYING: “ROME!” 03/16/2005, (SEE ROME, CHURCH, ITALY), see Eze 5, see the Light of Pete Butteige here,

Soon Church Bride In Heaven, Praying Down From There, For Ensnared Tribulation Saints, COVID-19, Travel Banned, Beware!

-Holy God, revisiting, prophets of old to Rev book Holies, like Jeremiah, and Ezkiel, like Rev 10, Mighty Angels, Rev 17, 7th angel, Rev 12, star Waring Michael, even, even Daniel 9-12, man in linen leaving salt the hall, where he tread. THEY all various intervals here, all my thirty plus ministry, of spring raptures, demos. How even when delivered to heaven March to April 16/17/ (1986),by prophet Malachi's prophesied Son-light of God, arriving, the Bride's Escape, with healing wings, I was hand off to the Prophet Ezekiel showing me three time tested doors, as of the specialty saints being prepped, by the Son/Sunlight Himself,  pending, God's back turn Throne.
-Just as Jesus having angels ascending and descending upon him, all of these phenom revisits are all Israel's pending repentant rated, reminding how a Holy God. Biblically the same, is using all in his apocalyptic arsenals to bring both Israel and all world rebellers back to the realization, Oct (20180, Dan 4:4, madness, God alone is God and reign over the kingdoms of men, and giventh to whom ELOHIM Will.
-The Acts of the Righteous Bride is to forewarn God fiery judgment come upon all American and western Civilization rumination to damnation, to get themselves out, Being told 7 US Admins now, including Trump's, 50 million people to die US, Canada soil alone. Even Canada like California is commanded to be wiped of the map. Util those plenty NEO's barreling toward us, two decades a part 2008.2009/2018/2019, commanded to strike either Wisconsin to Westminster, or Westerners to minsters constantly sinning. Presently an added death toll, March 9th 2020, COVID-19 of 69 millions, with all such death tolls shown set Feb 12/13, (2019), mean prophet Zechariah's Israel loss is set at two thirds, COVID-19 deaths or not, they're still dead and most unrepentant and in hell!
-Stop, being deceived, stop deceiving others, stop citing Gods blessings without as well citing HIS for many millennia predicted judgments, sentences, it's Revelation Book, predicted apocalypse  alone. You deceive the people, cause them not just their lives but their souls, whose martyred blood is required at their deceivers, your hands. Those deceivers, a crying behind a come silence in heaven Ezekiel 593, BC, Apostle John 93, AD and Apostle I am, 1993, AD, how He's to strip those whose martyred his people, even meant well leaders, naked as in days of birth, while the Antichrist  is predicted to kill millions going broke. No America's Trump, like those many US admins prior, can't save you, only God's Trump, summoning all new born's skyward, second heaven intercessions come, repent or perish!
-First detected 2013, there's a Jan 20, (2019), Daniel 9 to Rev 12, Michael battling a stars overhead, our for many millennia spiritual warfare, said Michael is to be setting his all around. It's further knowing, to deliver all obedient refugees into Petra's Jordan or Georgia/Africa's Atlantic before taking the Bride up, still staying to those left behind, beware of Alien dangers from above. Though this beyond anything imaging doomsday passover doesn't change the fact, now, tens of millions sitting COVID 19 travel bans are dead,.
-Fright night still, with tens of millions pending, actually with over a half of Billion stampeding The America's alone, being impacted by 101 Yellowstone's, Where will you and the tens of thousands you lead be, when you declare yet another, Apostle to Prophet of God, was right all alone? I's just asking because during Bush ears, I witnessed a US general,  hand his war off to a prophet Jeremiah, sitting no contest, biblical prophecy come.

Beware, Jer 37:8, EZEKIEL 8/9, Daniel 9-12, Rev 17:16-18, God Is, Aware That Is, Apb

Commentor quoted, at me, my reveal Jan (2020), I got Seattle Washington   

     -God is not the author of confusion, but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33).

I commented, God is also the author of the book of Revelation! Need I say more? What is Seattle Washington now, since this prediction, a sea of COVID-19, trembling, right, right!? Prophetic reveal is love, (thus New Testament writings called, Epistles Of Love), like Jesus love unconditional, when will y'all ever get it, please don't be in hell's hindsight when you do! Beware, Apb, see here,
http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-xxvii.html, say hell in hindsight, even retrograde... Apb  

Hearing 2017, "Kill All Parents By, Finish All School!"
[43 people fall ill at Pentecostal church after revival, 10 test positive for coronavirus] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/kdmske

1996, I Am am Going To Destroy America! Thus Saith Back Turn Throne God! Apb

-This is the pandemic of death you can't pray away, you can only by faith die and ascend. This is why so many were offended hearing I woke June 26, (2017), two years Jesus Husband escape, Georgia or Heaven? Only to the tune of, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood!"
-Since Christ Cross until now. easily what withheld such imminent death and dying until now, like the curse of death on steroids. Everybody dies, first born by second death, reborn, new born, like Jesus, by blessed death. 
-Explaining the blessed to wise suggestion get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood! This is where Jesus say no first born lives, except for the elect sake! God, Jesus, even the lineage of biblical patriotic made covenants and promises.
-When I said the Daniel 12, man in linen grace period finaled with President Obama. Then having Pres Trump to enter as with Ancient beast rule, the aligning He and his with men eaters and earth enders, Gog and Magog. 
-Virtually meaning no more doomsday passovers bringing up back to the ultimate suggestion, repent or perish! Did I say any in blessed exodus, Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic are counted as righteous. You're by Eze 9 reapers, with sword like syringes one strike your telling heart, ascended, RUN, you know where.
-I know it sound like Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus, saying even to abominable, riches to rags, Americans to Churchians. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer, ye shall have tribulation ten days, (actual doomsday, every 10th day since Nov, Thankxs, ( 2017): be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

-This anti beast's mark intercession, Christ Lord descended into second heaven; now Holy Bride its ascension. Holy Lords lately said just as taking beast's mark can no question ask land you the eternal lakes of fire. The crown of life, usher you no courts, judges to inquiries, the Kingdom of Heaven! Beware, Apb


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