Three years, A Noah's Cousin, 101 Yellowstones, Post-Apocalypse, New Africa, Juttah, Ghana, New Born Center!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Seen to be seeing March 6, 2020 this countdown of 40 days, so April 16/17, (2020), as in by April 6, (2020), and 40 more days, give us May 16/17 (2020) and a revisit to Angel Gabriel saying the Bride both ascends, descends with a 7th Angel, May 15 (2004); seen to be seeing March 9, 2020, this hard hitting and in the face red alert of 69 thousands into 69 million world wide dead! Apb

Jan 12/13, (2018), Downtown. Memphis Dunlap Street, Newspaper Bells Ringing; an earth ender Obama/Biden/Clinton seen (2013), as Newspaper boy, bike handlebars attached by a soaring into heaven, US soil, funeral reef; Beware, Apb

Article, ['People Dropping Like Flies': Chicago's S, W and N. Siders on COVID-19]
Article, [Coronavirus Kills More Americans in One Month Than the Flu Kills in One Year] (I suggest right here Dr' Phil and Dr Oz take note of non-comparisons with any other recent, US death tolls, Apb
Article, [U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Is Far Higher Than Reported, C.D.C. Data Suggests

Tis Death People, Tis Death, As I say, Death Not The Even Anomaly Here, Rather Dying Damned To Hell Is! Apb

-Reportedly 69 thousand dead in two months, so far surpassing any aligned US death tolls; an assessed 130 plus thousand actual US Covid-19 dead, with a reportedly two thousand or more dead daily. This infested beige horse earth ender sound like a good start to Apostle THEY call me, predicted outbreak of mortuary US soil seen with Egypt Anubis Undertakers, all around.
-Though, if you been hearing since Clinton into Bush/Obama Administration 50 million Americans would die. Then for two demos of Jesus Millennium descending (2010/2016), seen this set death toll  in a percentage of 15% of those US soil. Then come Pres Trump early morning of his Jan 20, (2017), inauguration and you wake from hearing 50 million Americans will die!

Seen to be seeing Trump's two year revisited Jan (2017), inauguration, saying 50 million will die; it's Jan 20, (2019) for both the Briexit and Blaexit there's a Rev 12 Michael battling a star wars overhead, setting his all around, beware, Gen thru Rev God is AWARE!! Apb

-Truly 50 million predicted US dead, like two intervals of 17 million and one interval of 16 million. Unmistakably put COVID-19 US's dead closer to the WHO to CDC 17 million than Dr. Fauci's already far surpassed, 69 thousand and mounting. Making no comparison, the speed by which this slayer kills is unfathomable with forewarnings its causing pop-up strokes in person's 30 to 40, beware.
-Surely, if you're thinking, whoa, that's like those Eze 9 reapers to stampeders, one strike the telling heart, and all first borns are descended, I can only say, yeah you're right. Clearly, this is not a reopen so Americans can get back to all things nasty. Those prescribed abominable fornications Jan 12/13, (2018), Rev Jesus described as riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers.
-But, rather what we saw Aug 5/7 and Aug 30/31, (2019) an outbreak of earth enders. Actually that referenced how after a global shutdown there's then an unforeseen disappearance, the holy Bride, unholy West Rule and all others escaping some 101 Yellowstones, come. 
-Remember Mat 24, Jesus saying during flight pray against travel bans like the winter, the Sabbath and now still in progress, COVID-19 lock downs. 
Just as I saw Jan (2020), the letter by letter forming of the word Thousands; the correct spelling of the US area Map, Los Angeles. 
-Just as eerily I saw the letters C, U, L, U, M and remembered I'd passed up posting on an article about the LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler school curriculum. Remember hearing (2007), the dying of schools is painful, go down to the middle school and cast a stone, (commanded, impacting NEO'S)
-Such genesis marriage perverters seven years prior come the demo of demonic possessed Pedophiler teen boys. Clearly enough to  fill an entire church, just infested and infected with your infant new born's. Crystal, new parents like Anderson Cooper also beware, repent or even children are dead with blessed death. Well thus said recently appearing, getting at whore doms like Sodom's evil city to whore Jezebel types, Rev 2, Jesus; beware, the Genesis, Man, Marriage Holy God, is AWARE! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

And I heard In My Hearing, Eze 9 Holy God, as Asteroid, FINISH all schools! 

Down Town Memphis, Dunlap Steet, News Paper Bells Ringing

Article, [Five nuns die from COVID-19 in the space of three weeks after virus sweeps through their Milwaukee convent]

Article, [Nearly 70 dead in 'horrific' outbreak at veterans' home], 
(Hearing "kill all parents by, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS!" Now here is a since forever predicted outbreak of mortuary US soil. Beware, come in two intervals of 17 million each and one set toll of 16 million; whereas Eze 9 slayers have been ordered not to be prejudice. 
-Not to show favor, that's unless like Moses Hebrew, escapees you're God's Lamb covered and Christ Jesus blood washed and sadly most aren't being more Antichrist. 
-Beware your predicted to set COVID 19 to molten lava death is included in one of these totals, meaning again like Moses Hebrew escapees, into Jordan's Petra to Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic you're to repent, RUN or perish! Beware, Gen thru Rev Holy God is AWARE!  Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Tanner Massimo Simpson and Queen Bride Naia Mckinley Hoolsrtom

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished, Planet Earth
Unto Ghost Horse, Red River Stonehenge and Amirah Amorah Deburk was born twin goddaughters Qaspiel Ma'aseh Stonehedge and Cafziel Merkavah Stonehedge and a son, Zohar, Quail Mountain Stonehedge          

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV,

  Three years, A Noah's Cousin, 101 Yellowstones, Post-Apocalypse, New Africa, Juttah, Ghana, New Born Center!

    "No, no, Ty, his name is Raymond, the first to be born remember? Yeah after that crush of the weather man, right? I should be jealous, yes, of a dead man, America is no more, taking millions with it, that’s millions Key that wouldn’t listen, your father, other prophets tried their best.  So this, my second son name is Remington, ah, ah, like that T. V. guy right, Remington Steele? My mother was so in love with him, ah my god darling I never thought of that, that will be his middle name, Raymond Piers Wells, and Remington Steele Wells, how truly perfect, …and just think Key, I almost didn’t get here, they wouldn’t be here and I, we wouldn’t be having this heart-blessed time. You hear that son Raymond, your dad, fought tooth and nails against it, stayed sick and in bed most of the way here, now look at these two tremendous gifts of reaping Kegan, sore sacrifices divinely sown. Yes, yes, now will you please take them out, out with all of you, what is this, how to rain on my parade? Get out husband, let me get some sleep, okay, okay, I got it, we are leaving!"     <<< ”Rig, hey babe, ahhhh, I know," pressing a loving jaw, cheek and kiss to hers, at waking her, to him, to this their arrival, now landing in France, all as she's promised him. "Ahhhh sweetheart I know, _ahhh god nooo,” as one mourning, stretching and yawning herself awake, how cruel was her loving husband Phearson waking her, how cruel was the day lighting up the once soothing night? "Ah I was dreaming about twin grandsons arrival, Raymond and Remington, well speaking of arrival babe, we’re here, Paris-Charles de Gaulle, airport. "Can’t I just stay, __like right here, it’s not like your family can’t afford it, you my love is so delicate, I could just eat you right up and if you don’t, __ok, ok, don’t bite me, or tickle me, or do none of those other things, I’m awake, I’m awake, I am wide awake! Good, because affording it or no, I have better things in stored, that better not be a welcoming party, no, I thought of calling everyone and telling them we’re coming, even that we’re here. Then I said, Regan would kill me and little Henry would be at the first fatherless, so, no welcoming party, good, I’m glad you {{{ “no, she died in child birth, remember?"}}} "Hey, you alright, it’s like your energy, your spirit was suddenly zapped, and Mr. McPhearson know me so, well, I’m dear husband very pregnant, so calm like comes and goes, I bet I know the first thing on your mind, Castle McPhearson, that gigantic bath, what else Phearce, what else?" Not being able to wipe it from the thoughts of her made panic heart, that odd saying, truly frightening her, was it her, would she die giving birth to little Henry? "I knew it, I just knew it and you, what’s on your mind, first thing, you? I have Regan Central in Paris, all to myself, all the months that’s left, there is no other prize, which darling, dear remind me, I need to call Mrs. Lowd in case she hear from another, think I’ve went AWOL with her first grandson. Yeah, yeah Regan Central, and that’s it, unless there’s an emergency no fraternizing with the enemy, I’m sorry, the enemy? Concerns in America my sweet, concerns in the republic of the A. B. C., ___the A. B. C? It’s how it’s referred to in my dreams, in your dreams, territorial spirits and things, Ah, I didn’t dear sweet husband of my dream know you had them, America, Britain and Canada, western civilization primary fathers, I guess you can say.  Anyway, look, look at this place, I know, I know,” as a gentle one with eyes growing skyward, looking at the most special place, city of all cities in the world, all seen, said and noted before, still just as wondrous, majestic as ever. "We are here Rig, our stunning home away from all worries, for a time anyway,  so you say dear, loving  husband, so you say.”      >>>”Dad, ...hey son

may I come in? I mean, yes, yes, what it is? Did you hear? Please my son," as one staring through a star gaze of a window looking in from above, "you are a grandfather, Key just now gave birth, so it is my son, so it is. So where is your mom, on her way there? Yes, Brist just picked her up, dad, what are you always starring at? All of it boy, all of it, and how one day, something even more beautifully miraculous will replace it, meaning father, new Jerusalem, look whose been reading his bible. Reading it, there are times I can’t put it down, and ah son, lest you forget, Henry the 5th is our first grandson, ah, thanks for that reminder, you are son very welcome.” Not saying anything to husband Phearson, but seeing little Henry, this model caliber of his dad, married with children, even grands, was like seeing how her Henry would've been if things had been as they planned, not so bad. "Speaking of which, when is Sophia due? That’s any day now, any day, and I’m standing and sitting and living on pins and needles waiting, you coming? Your sister has given, don’t you think Bristol told me, so, are you, coming? You have twin nephews, Raymond and Remington, like the college, and the weather man right? Right I guess, I mean little do I know, come, let’s go see for ourselves, thanks brother but no, I think I’ll stay, wait here. Stop it will you! Stop thinking of just yourself, you have loved ones Henry, parents, siblings, all who care about you, but do you care about them? That’s long enough my brother to forget about yourself, just momentarily, and come and see these gifts the father has brung us. So that’s what that is I’m feeling, after losing a wife and child, selfish, yeah, okay Key, like give me fifteen, shower, and you’re right, I’ll be right there, okay, I’ll fetch Soap, and be right back, father, ah, Henry is coming, you coming? Boy want she be surprised, yes, I’ll go, I’ll reap, and revel this miracle sown, good, ten minutes then, okay son," seeing him hop out of that chair, speed away, easing over to take a glance into something his father worshiped, that just to Klype, just wasn't that special and probably wouldn't until the Lord himself, descends down from there. Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord  is ascended from the earth. Apb 


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