And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand ... And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power ...

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -Seem to be in phenom celebrations in heavens, brought to a screeching halt, speedily I'm before a Mountain, A Commanding Sunlight Reigning God's Back Throne Crying His People Are Dying, Stripped Of Jesus Christ! Apb

My People Perish Behold I Will Strip Their Leaders Birthday Naked! The Antichrist will kill millions going broke! Apb

You Tube, mrmbb333, UNIDENTIFIED, (Red Dragons, Fallen Angels, Demons or Aliens if they are a threat to mankind, this Gog and Magog, they will all be quickly incinerated, as foretold here, Eze 38/39, 2 Thess 2;8, Rev 1-19, beware. The Bride now reigning prepping Dan 2, witnessed mountain from heaven; once she unleash it into earth's remaining inherit all these evils burn away and the brightness of Jesus sunlight arrival literally charcoal and melt away the rest! RUN, you know where, Jordan's Petra/Georgia's /Africa's Atlantic, Apb

....And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths. Zech 14:12

Article, [It's not one person gone and that's it. This can wipe out your family. It can take everyone in your home."

-Just as I said a week before anything COVID-19; after Sen. Obama was made the one! Described his alike affinity, oddly as proof he surmised we screen his itinerary. The moment we said how America's school and work shedules made them vulnerable, we asked was Sen Obama's (also revisited days before outbreak, last area map, visited, France), still was saying this a forewarning?
-Contemplating such a bioterrorism and schools being an expert delivery system, saying one carrier student could wipe out entire families. Aligned to Abortion, plotting a same gender school curriculum would genocide the Genesis man, marriage God hath made.
-So reconsider advocates of such evils just felled into their own nest of deadly, contagious vipers reaping children blood guilt sown, thus finishing them, and finishing all schools.
-Discussing days to a week prior the
(2007/2017) Eze 9 command US soil, "kill all parents by and finish all schools!" Seeming coupled with the for three years warning Hawaii would leave Memphis children orphans, what could kill parents and not into middle schools children? Theirs, as Kobe's daughter and play mate, being blessed death.
-Fright night, the end of Christ's Cross grace Obama's count down into July (2016), here's another alike countdown April 2, (2019). With Trump signing on the dotted line its April 16, 17, (2019), putting us now a year and more in the last two 42 month's intervals before Jesus April 2, (2026) reign.
-I asked do we know two quarters of the earth is to be dead; including Britain's 5%, Canada's 5% US' 15% and two thirds of Israel? Death and dying by COVID-19, commanded Asteroids or 101 Yellowstone's, problem isn't skin colors of ungodliness. Holy God is avenging for many millennia martyred blood and our sinful blood lineage cursed that all first born's perish!
-Know this also, Its just those born again, having blessed death, second death, hell, hath no power, like their Jesus they're dying only to ascend. Your temporal deathstyle over, OV its time to surmise its living, immortal soul, will grim reapers of stampeding God's one strike your telling ❤ be ascending or descending you; your name, the Lamb's book of life, written or stricken out? Beware, Apb, see here,, how it's ALL, ending prophetically, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling,

You Tube Final Days, Don't Fall For It, Deception Will Be Used To Cover Up Coming Destruction,, (Remember only when by 101 Yellowstone's the skies crystallized, cracked apart and missiled down did we see it's since Eden's fall, post apocalypse, evil disguises. Two crystallized Godzilla type, amphibian beast, one as Egypt's Sobek, Apostle Peter asked, KNOWING, what manner of doomed earth's inherit, ought you to be? I Apostle THEY call me, like Mat 24, Jesus, despite ALL travel bans, suggest you RUN! Beware, Apb, see here,, and here,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 

-You Tube Final Days, Don't Fall For It, Deception Will Be Used To Cover Up Coming Destruction,, (Remember only when by 101 Yellowstone's the skies crystallized and missiled down, did we see it's since Eden's fall, post apocalypse. Two crystallized Godzilla type, amphibian beast, one as Egypt's Sobek. See Apostle Peter asked, KNOWING, what manner of doomed earth's inherit, ought you to be? I Apostle THEY call me, like Mat 24, Jesus, despite ALL travel bans, suggest you RUN! Apb

Article, [Nearly 70 dead in 'horrific' outbreak at veterans' home], (Mat 24 Jesus said during urgent as these days and times flight, pray for women with small children. all in care of the elderly, pray them over to Jesus, ascending those to vulnerable to run skyward and gloriously move to the next, 
Parsing, O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ…. Marching, shouting hallelujah! i say… here, John Starnes Mid Cry,

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Dexter Sanford Joyhouse and Queen Bride Bronwyn Gazelle 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished, Planet Earth
Unto Mitchell Davidson Donnerly and Astrid Mariah McPhearson, Whitehead was born a daughter, Madison Dovewhyn Donnerly, a god daughter, Mattingly Joliet Donnerly, and a son, Berdan Colderion Donnerly, Whitehead

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV,

"Grand Maaseiah says and we grand Sia's heard it, Holy Father today, while the Son\Sunlight reigning HIS  back turn Throne. THEY want the same as during Moses' exodus, now the America's/West Rule repentance and escape! How it's Eze 9 grim reapers stampede all other various assemblies to lock downs. Apparently the prophesied great falling away to abomination of desolation; Mat 24 Jesus deem it so that we flee those outside didn't have enough time to go back  let alone like Lots wife, to look back. I beseech you all get this, if Pres Trump's April 16, 17 (2019), signed middle eastern deal put us now over a year into Daniel 9;27, final week of years, this also predicted decades now outbreak of mortuary won't be done until two quarters of earth's inherits are no more. The Americas are a part of earth's inherit right? Yeah what's scarier Meshullum Kadesh, Grand Sia waking the two year revisit Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband escaped some into Savannah Georgia, hearing, "get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood." Or, or, seeing, hearing two years later, Trump's 2017 too was aligned to 50 million US deaths, a Rev 12 Michael deliverer, battling a star wars in the heavens, even Sia's all how do they differ? Wow sis Ni bi we , even do they, isn't it all about getting God's Anointed to those heartily pending out or as far away from final spiritual warfare as Armageddon, as possible?" >>> "I was doing my mom's hair when she disappeared from the chair, no damn ashes, no clothes nothing just gone, I let out the loudest squeal ever, and I must have fainted, I woke a time later in a fetal position on the floor, I knew what'd happen no body had to tell me, my mom had warn me for years, my ten year old brother and near 13 year old sister disappeared as well, in a be careful what you wish for, in a nano second I had a new 5 bedroom, 5th bath luxury house all to myself. Them I begin to hear it, the heart and er piercing of it was there all the time, but just blocked out by my own trauma I the loudest sirens, panic, cries and crashes, it was like all people went mad at the same time, I was so terrified, I never prayed so hard and so long and with night come a barrage of gunfire, people killing themselves, killings their families or just killing for the fun of it, I didn't move, I laid the sofa, covered my head, and for days, I didn't move. Soon estranged family members who like me couldn't hear my mom worth a burning damn began showing up, you know those who yet had old autos that work, like my under Reginald, had like a 60's plus hippy van and it was filled to the brim, I stuck around for a week or so, left a note other friends and I were joining in Sia Maaseiah's predicted walk-a-thon into Georgia's coast pending crossover into Africa's Atlantic, find me there, and that's the last I saw or heard from any of them.I mean surely all Sia's here you notice how literally all our overseers, pastors, parents and politician, our elderly  all come absolutely worthless with or for good advice? I did Chassis, I notice, as soon as Pres Trump proved Daniel 4:4 madhouse was happening to him, to all rebellious, American dreaming during a Noah's Cousin, Moses's commanded  exodus, You know, when he played it off suggesting people ingest and inject bleach products, did you see how medical professionals said they got a slew of calls of people asking how legitimate was that suggestion by their trusted American President?  Sad thing still, Piers Morgan had just before the world declared Pres Trump the most important man on the planet,only now I'm thinking, yeah as in a Judas Iscariot type of way, having signed the Daniel 9:27, peace accord that in less than 7 years,  April 2, (20126),  get us Jesus millennium reign! Did you all also see White House said they'd do less corona-virus briefings after that? I even read, Beethoven man where some actually did try it, drinking bleach, fearing dying by COVID-19, more than simply dying I guess, just an outbreak of madness as you say, Chassis say. Which also guys remind me, (2012/2013), doesn't it seem grand, grand, now Georgia is describing live events as those surrounding the rapture?  Those phenoms as hearing outside her house a star warring in the heavens, as so hearing a trumpet sound so loud that could leave one deaf; then as she sit the bedroom, probably the chair grand, grand had just past to ascended. There's come into her bedroom, no, outside doors, no opened windows but a sudden, mighty rush of wind, I'm just  says all those happenings are all those described the great gathering of saints. Yeah Jr Darius those of which she's experienced for decades now, yes Memphis man, but during various compilations while dreaming, This was all live, like the live experience, spring rapture (1986), she outside a spring walk, when too look skyward, see the Christ of resurrection, Malachi predicted healing wings all, actually as the days of old appearing to her, three times commissioned that she come, She even experienced how Jesus of resurrection to look upon was father God, an oddity she said she debated questioning scripture saying Jesus Himself would descend, not Father God, Right until years later remembering Jesus is God manifested in the flesh and Jesus once telling the disciples, seeing His appearance, was to see how God as well do appear."  Why? Apb, see also here, Sia Maaseiah's Ascension,, how its ALL, ending prophetically, Apb

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Mitchell Davidson Donnerly and Queen Bride Astrid Mariah McPhearson, Whitehead

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign From Heaven On Newly Replenished, Planet Earth
Unto Maximum, Mesure Cutterback and Cameron, Solange, Kattery was born triplet sons, Chelsea Jacob Cutterback, a god son Pinnacle Joseph Cutterback, a son Mattias Annika Cutterback, and a daughter Arianna Mercedes Cutterback Kattery    

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII, A Matrix, LXXXV,

     "US election campaign" (2008/09), during, sitting Rev 17:16-18, mocked nations summit, I watched, heard as Senator Barack Hussein Obama was by Rev Holies declared, "The One?" Soon confirmed by an award of a two weeks and 7 year timetable finishing Dan 12 into Rev 10, man in linen, Christ Cross grace period, when Holy God's Anointed are known only, as they faithfully RUN, THEY all know where! Proven as evidence, July (2010), 15% lost US soil, Jesus Millennium as a New White, Holy House descended into a welcoming the Obama's Royal Reign; doomsday Passover revisited July (2016), Jesus Millennium for 15% lost US soil and a grand total of two quarters planet earth, no more.  Jesus Millennium descended into the Obama's, presently Memphis Dunlap street, of revealing America's commanded exodus. Recently Feb 3/13/23 (2020) just before the COVID-19, outbreak to lock downs, revisited an end come, as evidenced the traveling with the Obama's reveal, last stop France, As so recently, March 3/13/23, (2020), still seeing Pres Obama at the forefront podiums of America's actual new normal, stampeding like their elephants of staying unaware; running away as their as Noah's day, runway brides of going on like normal! These reveals, said, done and ignored, here I rest, to you give you, Sia Christian Artelon. Yes and thank Lord Urusalem, by Darius, Sia Maaseiah's reveals, until Jesus return, indefinite US/World President Barack Hussein Obama. Know his too are shown aligned to 50 million US deaths. his too, followed by sudden destruction. Clearly all Tribunals, Sia's here know the seeing of elephants stampeding, human extinction come, as long as Obama's too is to save America, even this doomed world, it's all to be met with mass disasters.  President Obama gave unto Caesar what at the time was Caesar, same gender perversion, changing the truth of God into a damning  lie; only now it's time Pres Obama to give Holy God what is His, repentance, obedience, honor and praise. You see when Jesus told governor Pilate those delivering him had committed the greatest offense, Religious leaders, theirs were biblical treason to the actual blasphemy they of accused of Holy Emanuel, God, but Premier, Pilate actions totally suspected, were as a governor of Rome.  This know also, until they all repent crucifying this world's Savior, genociding, THEIR ANOINTED,  there's this going on to drive them all mad as King Nebuchadnezzar to suicidal Judas Iscariot.  Pres Obama has this same problem, legalizing abominations, that's the genocide of the Genesis man, marriage, still, still all expected his being an American President, Like even now, the renewal of legalized abortions, giving its evil, raging heathens what they want, only to urgently safeguard predestined both his immortal life and mankind's immortal life and soul's,  Repent, RUN, escape all others into God's commanded exodus, you the son of an African Native Father, surely know where! It is here I too, Sia Christian Cros Artelon, Lord Urusalem, Juttah Tribunals, on said reveals, dismiss this council until further notice!" Why? Apb, see also here, Sia Maaseiah's Ascension,  


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