Even Dance💃

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, That World Leads Know Sunlight Of God, God's Back Turn Throne, Rules In The Kingdom's Of Men! See, Oct 15/25, (2018), Dan 4:4, award...

See more here, Appearing Planets https://youtu.be/_g9W9ehh5NA, (Gods Kingdom come, new heaven, earth, New White, Holy House; new solar systems, explaining presently, darkening Sun/Moon, Planet X is here!
[Entire Georgia Senate Told to Self-isolate after Lawmaker with Coronavirus Turns up to Vote: 'I'm Shaking with Rage'] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/ewdRTe, (Revelation 17/18, puppeteering Holy God ain't playing ring around the American Dream with y'all no more! Apostle Paul, Acts of the Apostles, said it near two millennia ago; Apostle Pat, Acts of The Royal Bride, saying it until every escaping nano second, woe, woe, woe, to all first born's, be ye born again, RUN! Even 💃!) Apb

Untellable Seismic/Tectonic Activity, https://youtu.be/ZiRpz5lqD80; ( its imminent climate so ripe, then what, Utah, 30 times Yellowstones, just produced its biggest quake in three decades, yet who, withholdeth 101 Yellowstone's and for how much longer? Repent, RUN or Perish! Apb

A Cocktail Of A VEI 8 Event Since Predicted, July 3/4 (2019), US W. Pacific, went nuclear in sizable earthquakes, see here,
 YouTube The Final, Days, Armageddon, https://youtu.be/EtDYWMz31-0, see my comments here,
http://preeceeboneebele1986-2016.blogspot.com/2020/03/prophecy-links-fulfilling-article-in.html, how it's ending prophetically, Apb

Article, [A supervolcano in Utah? It's 30 times larger than Yellowstone Stone ( I was on dutchsine YouTube and he acted like he didn't know.

Article, [EARTHQUAKE ALERT] Massive 5.7 Quake Hits Northern Utah In Almost 3 Decades! Here Are The Areas Without Electricity] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/hMQUve. (1992, Ezekiel 592 BC, I woke from a demo, finding this oddity with the sun, before fully realizing. I'd by winged Jesus, been delivered to heaven, hand off to the prophet, Ezekiel, shown behind three time tested doors.
-The last of which this sunlight come as a hand anointed and sealed in end time harvesters forward. Clearly, they were to be acquainted with God's grieves and sorrows!
-Holy Jesus telling his disciples, they're unrecognizable as His, except they love. Those Eze 9 inkhorn man, marked for life; US soil reapers, one strike the tell all heart, some ascended, but mostly descended, Beware, Apb

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign!

Unto ChiefJoseph, Abraham, Luther, Clinton, Hillsfeet and Memphis Plectra Zenith was born a godson Pontaic Ransom Hillsfeet, a godson Holston Ruby Lake Hillsfeet and a son, Dalsas Adonis Zenith

 After A Hand Writes Clumsily, Escape 101 Yellowstone! A Hand Writing C. U.L.U.M, GLADD School Curriculum Or The Rev 18, Hour, End Of Columbus America?

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

     "Then call me crazy, Ghost Horse man, but if the back turn, woman, the Rite Aid Pharmacy Counter, death tolls set, had said to me, I will wait on you. This is all, after thousands of years into every drooling nano-second of out reaching God's, righteousness to those I mind you, who from the bitten forbidden fruit won't listen, I would've start pleading indefinitely, don't wait for me Argentina, see, what had happen was ah, Daniel's Angel Gabriel come near two decades back, saying all unto fulfillment! Man, Jr Darius, you is as crazy as Sia cousin, Memphis, Carter, look, look, look, speaking of which. Then look again, who's with him, yeah I see, just as your bleeding heart Jr Darius wished and wished. Which then beloved girl turn my attention to you, will you Amirah, Amoriah, be my Preecest Bride? What are you talking about, then here in front of Jr Darius? Yeah Ghost man, what are you doing, you think this is a game? No, and by the way Jr Darius your lady, she's waving and walking this way.  Come, come, here!" Grabbing him roughly, pulling to dragging him  this way, attached to the hip, Ghost Horse buddy, not believing he was such the betrayer, huffing, puffing, have mercy on him, Negeb Ophel reapers! "What the hell you thinking? Uh, um, since she can't, what you mean Ghost, can't? Won't then, since Amirah won't marry, you, please tell me brother and friend that is not why you was so anxious to come here? It was, and, and, it wasn't, I jumped at the chance to ask her, if you Jr Darius marry your Aqua Juttah Genealogy, (AJG), Chelsea Fabrice, and there she is,  Amirah, Amorah is mine. What you mean is yours? Could be okay, could be mine, what the hell, Ghost Horse man, what are you telling me, all this time? As one lowing his voice, shooting these stunning eyes of aware all around, had Memphis Carter and company arrived their table, his wish list, Chelsea Fabrice, in toll.  You're saying Amirah know this, that you two planned and plotted to pull my heart out just now? No, no, I'm saying if you can't make her the Juttah husband, will you Juttah Prince, Jr Darius, that I will? No, no way, and that's my final answer, even if I take them both and Negeb Ophel reapers are starring me in the face! Where are you going, you're going the wrong way, what if she says yes? Prince Kroff, she won't, I'm excused to training,!" With a readied elevator soon to whisk him entirely away, "please explain that to our company." A not himself, Jr Darius had completely forgotten AJG, Chelsea Fabrice had abandoned everything, coming for him, his prayer, faith, wish. "Ah my Jesus, ah my Jesus! Okay, okay, you're a Deburk, a Global, you're trained from birth even the womb, what to say, do, this will work out, collect yourself, sniff, stretch nearing eyes, take deep, cooling breaths, get back!" Why Speak in Parables? Beware, God Is, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Rev Holies, Dec 29, (2019), in a running race to reset fiery doomsday Christmas Carol. Why I Warn Australia's Apocalyptic Bush Fires Remind US Soil Of Its Nov/Dec 25 (2001-2019), a Million times Volcanic Apocalypse, ebbing and flowing along its North American Craton! Apb, Ah, RUN, its commanded!

[Article, [Forget 2008, this stock market sell-off is 2001 all over again] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/MSQmFe,(hearing 2001/02, the Enron attack killed millions, forget your pensions, get to the Hills; hearing 2005, the Antichrist will kill millions going broke! Apb

Dec 2001, -I got a Dan 5, US weight of blood guilt judgement it's Dec 24/25, 2001-2019. Right until a volcanic apocalypse, reset Dec 29, (2019), for any day now! Doomsday revisited Jan 13, (2019), as a hand writing on a wall, 99 bowls of molten lava!
-Still revisited Aug 5, (2019), as a hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone! Then this, this national to global lockdown, come Aug 7, (2019). Only more as the word disappeared, frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social Media screening. I say and say, mobile your stores, RUN, it's commanded Georgia/Africa's Atlantic, waits! Apb, see more here, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

-Prophecy Links, Even The Obama's, The Little Miya Girl Of Transit Found On Memphis Dunlap Street, The First Demo of America's Commanded Exodus!

Article. [Italy Has Worst Day Yet, as 475 People Killed by Coronavirus in 24 Hours] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/TURNTe, (I explained a week or so past, hitting hard, in my face, I saw a sign in Red Alert, 69 Million Dead! Beware, not including, 1998/99-2018/19, set US soil death tolls, 5% into 15%, repent⛪, run 🏃 dance💃 or perish! Beware, God Is! Apb

The Word Disappeared Frozen On All HD Screening, As Seeing Behild Reporters, Signs, Closed, Until Further Notice! Apb

Article, [Coronavirus in Florida: 6-year-old tests positive for coronavirus in New York] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/rMsSTe, (It was just confirmed that by a 5% margin China children got sick, not that serious, none died. Now don't go abandoning them, but I say what I said all alone, schools kids are the next typhoid,(COVID-19), Mary's. 
-Herein fear more for their families, parents and grands, suspend their schools even if authorities don't. Apostate parents, grands are those commanded to be killed by a deadly pandemic.
-Verses into middle schools instead commanded to be finished, Rev 2, Jesus, blessed death hath them! Fright, night, but it could explained Ken Peters tribulation demo, kids being abandoned, after the rapture. Beware, Apb,

Kill All Parents By!

-Fright night, y'all hear about the COVID-19 cruiseship now headed for France? Odd is, only weeks back I shared here, like Senator Obama's 2008/09. This demo just now, of happily hanging out with the Obamas, who's last destination was France, before again, US home, COVID, seizures! Beware, Apb


-This holding back the four winds of extinction, until, 17 and 7 marked. After getting Seattle Washington months prior, I don't know bout y'all but Italy's strain. This horrid  does sound like the version that killed those Washington state victims. Showing no systems, dying only hours after they learned they'd been infected.
 -These downtown newspaper bells ringing, sound like some out of the 1918, Flu pandemic. People felled sick that morning few hours later they'd be dead.
-There's one scenario other, why America's strain seem the weakest link. Possibly what hold back 101 Yellowstone's; the Holy Bride and Unholy West Rule, went fiery, skyrocketing skyward simultaneously, it's then opened season US soil, for all predicted ELE'S.
-The Hearing, Jan 13, (2019), whore and beast separated, again opened season on America/West Rule! See, here,  https://youtu.be/9_447D-RjFY
the best cinematic 2 mins and 17 seconds of what the first moments of being left on top high rise buildings is gonna be like. World-wide, millions will die instantly, millions injured and of course, millions missing.
-I shared days past the date they all flashed forward to, April 29, is the 2020, date NASA's latest is to come dangerously close to earth. Frightfully with seismic and tectonic events more imminent than in centuries.
-Please see what untellable lies continent wide molten's beneath right into Georgia's\Africa's Atlantic coast, see here, https://youtu.be/ZiRpz5lqD80;
and here, https://youtu.be/v_g5_UOEvsU, (inbound comet, just got bigger).
-Last time predicted disaster Hawaii come even close to extinction level, all Rev Holies conjoined to take Holy Bride and Ps 91 Angels off planet, come is, interceding, Tribulation Saints!
--Unthinkable, by April 16/17 2020, comic Atlas, as in the city Atlantis UN/US soil is being reduced to.
-Incredibly also, Atlas is the US/Africa's Atlantic all The America's are escaping to. Said ELE, double impact could end a for near two millennia, this ebbing and flowing, Holy Saints, Briexit/Tribulation Saints, Blaexit! Beware, God Is! Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM!


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