I Guess Now I Truly Know What Jesus Felt Before He Started Drop Kicking, Slamming and Throwing Over Blasphemous Money Changers Tables, This Stumbling Block Of Iniquity!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

The Revisited Jesus Husband Escape Into Georgia or Heaven, Two Year, Now, June 26, (2017), Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Get Ye To Repentant Altars, God Is Avenging Martyred Blood, No first borns survives! Apb, www.thephoenix101.blogspot.com 

You All Remember April 3, (2019), I got the shape of Louisiana As A Word Of Caution? Then I Heard Revisited From 2010, (Asteroid), Destroy Wisconsin/West/
Westminster constantly sinning!

I Guess Now I Truly Know What Jesus Felt Before He Started Drop Kicking, Slamming and Throwing Over Blasphemous Money Changers Tables, This Stumbling Block Of Iniquity!

     -Article, Mardi Gras may have fueled Louisiana outbreak... https://www.cbsnews.com/video/mardi-gras-believed-to-have-fueled-louisiana-coronavirus-outbreak/, (so we presume no lesson was learned from cancelling a through the economic roof. A quarter of a million dollars in revenue, again Texas cancelled South by Southwest annual celebration? 
-Then here lately Pres Trump stampeding off Florida beaches spring breakers, COVID-19 pending infected, endangering their parents, grands, how much was this financial loss? If I, Apostle of Jesus I am, hear just one of these Louisiana infected carnivals looking like they're to lay blame on any other!
-My Jesus is Christ's Prayer from the Cross, rightly, by your mass abominations, Dan 12, Grace Period also suspended.Presently enforcing a without prejudice pandemic of death!  Surrealistically, as upon all first born's, with HELL enlarging itself into volcanic apocalypse, accordingly
-Fright night, Hades rides with the Pale Horse of Pestilence's like COVID-19's, with no more doomsday pass-over's pending US/Western soil! Repent, escape or perish, second death now hath total power. Like one Governor said lately, party over! Like Mat 24 Jesus, I suggest you pray against all travel bans and like the half of billion The Americas,101 Yellowstone's will put to flight, mobile all your stores, RUN! Beware, God Is! Apb! See more here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2020/03/prophecy-links-fulfilling-god-reaping_23.html, how it's ALL ending prophetically, Apb 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling 

Article, [Do Christians Have to Obey Old Testament Laws?] 

No Longer Is The Mystery Of Godliness, Like Holy Angels Now Had A God, They Could Approach Unto; We Now Had A God, Who Put On Flesh, And Endured A Cross, For The Man Who Once Was Lost! Apb

Laws, Commandments, Come By Moses!

    -Some one asked do we still follow the old testament? I heard a Sunday school teacher, reminding of Jesus day apostate religious leaders. Telling the class that morning, God made the laws, the people had to follow them or die! 

     -Only Holy spirit said, through me, God also made Lucifer, but like him. Know also, God's Holy Laws, in the hands of black hearted men had come something He'd not intend.  How said, evil leaders, taking its misuse, had been sealing, killing and destroying his people, for many millennia, until soon, its own, accused law breaking, Christ, crucified . 

-Candlelight scripture says, Jesus was born of the woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law. That He might save some, now adopted, fellow heirs with Him. God's Throne, Spirit, Bride all, saying, welcome my good and faithful, Royal Priesthood!

-Candlelight Scripture also say, the laws come by Moses but truth and grace by Jesus Christ. Clearly, by the time Jesus Christ's Cross cried, "it is finished!" Except for pending prophets and prophecies, Jesus himself the spirit of prophecies, blessed saviour. Divinely He'd shaped Moses laws, patriotic fathers and the old testament, all into two great commandments.

-Remarkably and intentionally separating the holy from the unholy, those only the born again could then follow. They were, that we love God with all our heart, mind and soul, and that we love our neighbor, enemies to brethren as ourselves. 

-With one of the last things to lessons to disciples before the cross, if they didn't show love one for the other, they couldn't be His Disciples! Matching The last thing Sunlight God's Back Turn Throne, said to us pending, descending, laborers, they're to be acquainted with His Grieves and Sorrows, Beware, God Is! Apb! See here, https://littlemiyagirltopreppers2019.blogspot.com/2020/03/prophecy-links-seeing-jan-23-2018-rev.html, how it's ALL, ending, prophetically, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Those 2015/2016 EMP'S TO CME'S attacks, beware!Apb

2010, 2019, Asteriod, Destroy, DESTROY! 

 -Seeing Aug 5, (2019), the word DISAPPEARED, frozen on, as all HD, 5G and social media screening; seeing Aug 7, (2019), a handing writing clumsily as a drunkard, "Escape Yellowstone! Hearing, Aug 30, 31, (2019), the tail end of a news report, after 101 Yellowstone, (SUPER) eruptions! Beware, Genesis to  Revelation God Is! Aware, That Is! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, US Judged, Sentence Soil, Rev 17:17, Hearing March 6, (2020), 40 more days! Beware -For God hath put in their hearts, (Abbas's 8 leads, now those ten heads I heard being ordain while NBA's California dreamers. Kobe and his where dying, horriblly, Westerners assigned fate, mostly by fire! See A Hand Writing On A Wall, (1998), Jer 37:8 See a hand write clumsily on a wall, Aug 7, (2019), ESCAPE 101 YELLOWSTONES! Rev 6, 6th seal

-For God hath put in their hearts, to fulfil his will and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled!

-This biblical evidence is what's meant, by God being aware, He is for Ancient of days, Righteous Puppeteer, so you know how to repent as you pray. So when asked relentlessly why is God doing this, you say, GOD'S HOLY KINGDOM COME ON EARTH! EVIL MAN'S CATACLYSMICALLY, PASSETH AWAY!

Article, [The US now has more coronavirus cases than China] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/fcUxce

The Mockery Of Sending China. Another COVID-19, Death Trap

Trump, Make America Great Again, But Yours America Is A Nuclear, Solar to Molten, Fiery Fate! Thus Saith God Of Rev 14! -American bloodletters have already killed too many people; the price its reaping to pay now. Since its Dec 24/25, (2001), Dan 5, weight of blood guilt gonna cause US soil 50 million lives. Only with another hard hitting and in your faces global death toll, March 9, (2020), that can only be by the COVID-19 or the predicted backward letter C pandemic, of 69 million. -Ye must be born again, herein all first born's are in biblical trouble. We're talking tens of millions times Noah's day, flood totals. Truly is why instead of 40 days its ELE to purify earth, a new start. Indefinitely from here mosly by fire, Two quarters of the earth dead in less than 7 years. Being near a year in, since Dsniel final week, timetables, April 2/16/17, (2019). -Mostly beginning with US soil, as surmised decades now, locked and loaded itself, a Rev 6, 6th seal, even Kobe's fiery crash, a revisited 6th Matrix, volcanic apocalypse. Seems 101 Yellowstone's, what I saw Aug 5, 7 and 30/31 (2019). Began an event like this, sitting the globe still, and like now, I told all of you, I'd gotten 3 refers to a Yellowstone Event. Knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed Briexit to Blaexit, get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, God Is! Apb See that same hand writing on a wall, (2019), Jan 13, (2015), predicted, 99 bowls of molten lava! Apb


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